Hello Falcon Families!
I hope the Thanksgiving holiday was one spent with loved ones and expressing gratitude. Thanksgiving comes at a time of year when the daylight hours are short, the weather is cold and blustery, and stress can run high. So being able to pause, even for a meal, to give thanks and speak aloud what we are grateful for is a wonderful way to focus on the positive things in our lives.
We have three weeks between now and December 21st, when Winter Break starts. Students are encouraged to focus on getting any missing assignments, retakes, and course current work taken care of, so that Winter Break can be a true, restful break away from the responsibilities of school.
Our 3rd annual Winter Carnival is December 14th at PHS from 11 to 2pm, and we hope to see everyone there! Bring the whole family, and enjoy the free games, activities, and treats. Great your list ready, too, because Santa Claus will be there!
Have a great week!
– Mrs. Woehr