When we begin second semester, there will be a change to our tardy policy/expectations.
Parents/guardians, please speak with your student about ways they can ensure they get to class on time. If you drop them off to school late in the morning, you can excuse their tardy by calling the attendance office at 360-885-5007:
-5 Tardies: Warning & Parent Contact
-10 Tardies: Lunch Detention
-15 Tardies: Lunch Detention and Off Campus Pass Suspended (1 week)
-20 Tardies: In-School Suspension & Off Campus Pass suspended (2+ Weeks)
-25 Tardies: In-School Suspension & Off Campus Pass suspended (4+ Weeks)
We have a three-day weekend this weekend to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and then two early release days next week for finals before first semester ends on January 24.
We have early release on Thursday and Friday next week, with school ending at 11:25. On Thursday, we have periods 1-3, and on Friday we have periods 4-6.
Study hard, Falcons!
You got this!