Character Strong Trait for November: Gratitude
The character Quote for the Day is:
“'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” - Alice Walker
CAM Academy
Character Strong Trait for November: Gratitude
The character Quote for the Day is:
“'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” - Alice Walker
Nov 26 - All School Thanksgiving Feast
Nov 27 through Nov 29 - No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec 3 - Pizza Tuesday
Dec 6 - 3rd-6th PBIS Assembly
Dec 13 - NHS Chess Tournament
Dec 17 - Pizza Tuesday
Dec 20 - MS Winter Assembly
Dec 23rd thru Jan 3 - No School Winter Break
CAM Chess Tournament hosted by National Honor Society
DATE & TIME: December 13, 2024 from 2:05 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
LOCATION: CAM Academy Commons
COST: $5.00 (To help pay for snacks and the championship prize
Thanksgiving Feast Information:
If your family is planning on attending please have them fill out this Google Form
Also, If your family is planning on attending please have them add money to your lunch account so it is quicker to get through the line. Although CAM students are free parents and siblings who do not attend CAM must pay for their feast.
The CAM Academy Giving Tree
The CAM Academy Giving Tree is a way for you to help families in our school, and spread some joy this Christmas! Anything you donate helps, so feel free to sign-up for as many or as few donation options as you like. Here are some important details to note before signing up!!
- Gifts must be dropped off in the CAM Academy front office before Friday, December 6th @ 3:00 pm
- Please include a label of who the gift is for when dropping it off. (Ex: Family 1, Son B, Need)
- Please do not wrap gifts
If you have any questions please email
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found today in the lunch room. Anything not taken will be donated TODAY
If you are interested in an opportunity to ski at Mt. Hood Meadows on Wednesdays for a discounted rate this winter, please see the attached flyer.
Next MS ASB Meeting: Dec 3rd, 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Next MS Yearbook Meeting: Dec 5th
Next HS ASB Meeting: Dec 5th
Next NHS Meeting: Dec 9th
Graduation Gear
Don't forget to order your caps, gowns, announcements, or any other Graduation items you want. There are Jostens packets in the office for you to pick up if you need it.
Contact information:
Feel free to email Mrs. McCann at or call 360-885-6829.
Counselor Website: CLICK HERE
Chess Club
Every Tuesday from 2:00 - 3:00 PM in Room 103
Interact Club
First Monday of every month at 2:15 PM in Room 208
Every 2nd and 4th Monday at 2:05 in Room 202
nPower Girls
December 3rd, February 4th, and April 22nd
2:00-3:30pm in Room 104
Christian Students United (CSU)
Every Tuesday from 2:00 to 3:00 PM (except staff meeting days)
High School ASB
First and Third Thursday of every month at 2:10 PM in Room 203
Middle School ASB
The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month in the Commons.2:00 - 3:00 PM
Next CAP Meeting: Dec 3rd, 1-2 PM
Next Pizza Tuesday: Dec 3rd
PAWS Student Store: DEC 20th
Email us at
Pizza Tuesday Information
The Next Pizza Tuesday will be the 3rd of December and we will need help to make it happen! 10 volunteers each week to be exact.
On Pizza Tuesday will have punch cards for sale- $12 Pizza Cards, $8 Izze Cards, or both for $20.
Cash or checks (made out to CAP) are accepted.
Individual Pricing:
(Cheese, Pepperoni, Sausage, Hawaiian, Bread Sticks)
Pizza Slice/Bread Sticks- $1.50
2 Breadsticks w/ sauce- $1.50
Extra Sauce/Ranch- $0.50
Izze- $1.00
*See The CAM Dailies for additional upcoming Pizza Tuesday dates.
*Free lunch through Chartwells will still be offered in addition to Pizza Tuesday.
We need volunteers, information is down below.
In order to keep Pizza Tuesday going, we need our CAMily (CAM families for the newbies)! Pizza Tuesday is in need of volunteers from 10:15 am - 12:30 pm. Volunteering varies with semi-weekly, monthly, or substitute options. Please sign up to help, even if it's just one date. Contact CAP (CAM Academy Parents) if you have any questions: email us at or text/call Crystal Katzer @ 360-241-5626 or Jen Ludin @ 360-989-7253.
Volunteers must complete a background check prior to volunteering and this is a CAP-sponsored event.
Only announcements sponsored by BGPS will be posted in the Community Resources & Events
Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish translation and interpretation services
Услуги по устному и письменному переводу на русский и украинский языки 360-885-5433
Servicios de Traducción e Interpretación en Español 360-885-5431
Monitor Chromebook use with the Go Guardian parent app.
Report incidents anonymously with SafeSchools
Please report bullying, intimidation, harassment, threats and safety concerns using our anonymous reporting system. Reporters can remain anonymous. Emergencies should always be reported to 911. Learn more about emergency procedures and safety protocols.